ETH Life - wissen was laeuft
ETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH LifeDie taegliche Web-Zeitung der ETHETH Life - wissen was laeuft
ETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH Life - wissen was laeuft

Rubrik: Forum

From 10th to 21st
Logical drop

Published: 03.11.2005 06:00
Modified: 03.11.2005 11:39

Von Martin Kröger

Personally, I understand the drop as logical consequence and expect a further 'down' for forthcoming 1-2 years. It seems that ETH lately increased the burden for lecturers thus reducing their quality and quantity of research. Second, 150 years ETH festivities have a measurable (negative) impact on internationally visible output of the ETH.

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