ETH Life - wissen was laeuft
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ETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH Life - wissen was laeuft

Rubrik: Forum

Deep inside the ETH life

Published: 29.05.2002 15:00
Modified: 29.05.2002 16:12
katia lazzati (mailto:katia.lazzati@pharma.anbi.ethz.ch)

I am a PhD student at the ETH as well. Yesterday I heard about the news and than I went to the ETH life page, I was nearly shocked, just a couple of lines, not even well stressed, about something that is so deep inside the ETH life. Reading the text than, my German is not good, but good enough, I felt even worse: it was focused not on the poor subject, but on the fact that ETH has a good support, go there whenever you feel the need, and that the ambulance promptly arrived but anyway there was anything to do. Unfortunately I know that things like this often (at least once a year) happen, but I have the impression that the tendency is to cover bad things and pretend everything is OK, life goes perfectly and those who are not strong enough don't survive.

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