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Back to the good old times?
Postal services - Nostalgia or Vision?

Published: 24.01.2001 06:00
Modified: 23.01.2001 21:41

Von Katharina von Salis

Last week the information about the reorganisation regarding post offices in Switzerland was communicated and widely discussed by politicians, unions, post office staff and the public. Many small and not so small villages will loose their post office and the people fear that village life in small villages will suffer unduly, once the postoffice has gone.

At ETH we only now realise that we have long been spoiled with the way we could use the mail service. Since we were never payed for work that the specialists of the state-owned PTT could do better, we were spared it. We simply took letters and parcels with us and dropped them in the local mail-bag or in the official yellow box on the way home. Such boxes are conveniently placed on the way from ETH to the main railwaystation. One could drop a letter until 6pm and be sure that it would arrive at its destination in Switzerland the next morning.

No weighing, no measuring length, width and thickness of letters and small packages, no figuring out the amount to be payed, no licking of stamps. Once every few years a count was made of what ETH sent out and, "magically", an agreement between the Post and ETH seems to have been reached about some lump sum or flat rate payment.

As privatisation and progress arrived, this simple procedure was discontinued at New Year 2001. Outgoing mail from many "out-places" now has to go via the ETH-post office in the Main Building. It is brought there from the local collection point several times a day. In our case (NO-building) the mail leaves the building before 8am, after 9am and around 2pm. If we want to send letters out later and we want them to arrive the next day, we are now encouraged to weigh them ourselves and figure out with which stamp to decorate them and subsequently get the required stamp from the nearest secretary's office.

Zur Person

Katharina von Salis, geboren 1940 von Soglio/GR, ist Titularprofessorin in der Gruppe Mikropaläontologie am Geologischen Institut. Ihr Forschungsgebiet umfasst verschiedene Aspekte der kalkigen Nannofossilien. Frau von Salis ist Beraterin der Stelle für Chancengleichheit von Mann und Frau an der ETH Zürich.

Katharina von Salis

The Post suggests new services to small villages such as the postperson calling personally at a customer's house when needed or a mobile post-office stopping at every village at a given time for a given period every day. So some service remains - just like at ETH.

Thinking positively we see that there are advantages to these new duties, too. It is "training on the job" and will help us to pay correct postage for our private New Years Greetings cards 2002.

How I long to go back to the good old times, though!

And I wonder, when some smart and well-payed efficiency-consultants will tell either the Post or ETH or both, that it would be so much more efficient to (re-)introduce the old payment system for such a big customer as ETH. Or to outsource all handling of mail?

How I look forward to that brave postmodern world!


Katharina von Salis greift die Diskussion um die Reorganisation der Poststellen auf, die zur Zeit von Politikern, Gewerkschaften, Postamtpersonal und in der Öffentlichkeit heftig diskutiert wird. Sie spinnt den Faden weiter und fragt nach den Folgen der kürzlich erfolgten Abschaffung der Pauschalfrankatur an der ETH. Früher war es einfach: "Wir nahmen einfach Briefe und Pakete mit und warfen sie in den Post-Beutel oder in den gelben Briefkasten auf dem Weg nach Hause." Heute sei das unter Umständen wesentlich komplizierter. "Wie ich mich zu den guten alten Zeiten zurücksehne". Katharina von Salis wartet nur darauf, dass intelligente und gut bezahlte Berater auftauchen und der Post oder der ETH erzählen, dass die Pauschalfrankatur eigentlich viel effizienter sei und dass es sich aufdränge, diese wieder einzuführen.

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