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Rubrik: Campus Life

Changes on the ETH Executive Board
Handing over the keys

Published: 08.12.2005 06:00
Modified: 07.12.2005 21:52
Last Wednesday evening ETH President Olaf Kübler and Vice-president Ulrich Suter handed over the keys of their respective offices to their successors, Ernst Hafen and Dimos Poulikakos.

By Felix Würsten

One era comes to an end and another begins. Olaf Kübler's term of office as President of ETH Zurich officially ended on 30th November. The handing over of the office to Ernst Hafen was celebrated with the public transfer of the key in the hall of ETH's main building. At the same ceremony Ulrich Suter, Vice-president Research, handed over to his successor, Dimos Poulikakos. The newly constituted ETH Executive Board can now take up its work.

A heart for the transfer

"One cannot be president without the company of associates to help," said Olaf Kübler in his praise of Ueli Suter's accomplishments. Kübler himself brought Suter on to the Board four years ago. In doing so he appointed someone to ETH's leading body whose heart beats for the transfer of knowledge to industry. If one is transferred as an ordinary professor in the research lab to a university's executive board, said Suter, one suddenly starts to see things in a hitherto unknown context. He had worked on numerous fascinating questions, which, nevertheless, often had very little to do with research. Suter now wants to return to more concrete research; he is returning to research as professor in the ETH Material Sciences Department.

Tending the tree that is ETH

A surprise guest in the person of Jakob Nüesch paid tribute to Olaf Kübler's work. Nüesch–Kübler's predecessor–looked back on his own time as president of ETH Zurich. The holder of this office, he said, had the great privilege of tending the tree that is ETH and that continues to grow. One had to lop off branches, but one also got to nurture and train new shoots. Nüesch presented Kübler with small presents, aimed at helping him on his way into retirement. Although, asked what he would do in the morning, Kübler answered laconically: "go to the hairdressers'", his diary will hardly be empty in the coming months as he is taking office as Director of the Foundation "Society in Science".

Looking forward to the new office

Finally, Ernst Hafen, the new top man at ETH Zurich, thanked the Executive Board for the ways in which they had helped him to prepare over recent months. He said he had learned a lot and that he was looking forward with pleasure to the challenges of office. "We'll see each other tomorrow" he called to the audience. The handing over of the keys was rounded off with a musical intermezzo. The chorus from the ETH musical "Welcome tomorrow" used the occasion to give their concluding performance of the Jubilee year celebrations.

The new and the former president of ETH Zurich: Ernst Hafen and Olaf Kübler

Ulrich Suter handing over the key to his successor Dimos Poulikakos. In the background Rector Konrad Osterwalder and Vice-president Gerhard Schmitt, both of whom remain of the ETH Executive Board. (Picture: N. Guinand)

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