ETH Zurich's weekly web journal - auf deutsch
ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Overview: News
Nuclear reactor "Made in Switzerland"
The dream of a nuclear reactor developed wholly in Switzerland ended in 1969–with an explosion. The ETH library exhibits the contradictory points the project passed through over years of development.
Star of the slope
Exhibition on the proposal for the new sports centre at ETH Hönggerberg.
Secret revealed
Dr. Jürg Gertsch (picture) and his team demonstrate, for the first time, the effect of echinacea on cells in the immune system.
ETH ranking stable
In an international ranking of 500 universities ETH Zurich is among the best.
1:0 for music
The Academic Orchestra and the inspiring violonist Ina Dimitrova performing Sibelius and Schostakowitsch.
No. 250
Since the beginning of May the ETH architecture professors Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron are exhibiting around a thousand objects from their 25 years' activity in Basle's "Schaulager".
Unexpected honours
Unexpected honours for ETH Professor Urs Meier: Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (ISIS) Canada Research Network launches an "Urs Meier Scholarship“.
Partnership through perseverance
At the recent Sustainability Leader Dialogue Claude Martin, head of WWF, talked about partnerships between NGOs and private enterprises.
SiROP joins ETH Zurich
Closing the contract: Last week the programme SiROP became an officially recognised organisation of ETH Zurich.
Showing what's possible
From the Pillar Atlas to the portrayal of a multimedial room – an exhibition from the CAAD Chair.

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