ETH Zurich's weekly web journal - auf deutsch
ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Overview: News
BSE transmitted via urine?
Research proves the existence of prions in the urine of animals with diseased kidneys. This may be a new transmission route for prion diseases.
Taking responsibility
Hans Dietrich Genscher, former foreign minister of Germany, spoke last Tuesday evening at ETH and appealed to Europe to take a more active political role .
New anthrax vaccine?
ETH scientists construct a complex saccharide that only occurs in antrax bacteria. Now they are testing to see whether the molecule can be used to make a vaccine.
"Common responsibility"
A legendary US Secretary of State spoke last week in Zurich in the person of Henry Kissinger. ETH Professor Kurt Spillmann moderated his media conference.
New computing horizons
With the Cray XT-3 the CSCS has increased its computing capacity five-fold and moves up on the list of Europe's supercomputers.
New face on ETH Executive Board
The ETH Board elects Dimos Poulikakos, ETH Professor of Thermodynamics, as the next Vice-president Research. This completes the new ETH Executive Board.
UNESCO award for ETH project
The "Shaxi Rehabilitation Project" of the ETH Institute for Spatial and Landscape Planning receives a prestigious Asia-Pacific Heritage Award 2005.
Again place 5 in Europe
ETH is still among Europe's top universities in the latest ranking from China.
Scientists support bilateral agreement
Swiss scientists found a committee to support the up-coming bilateral agreement with the EU.
Glacier hare to come to ETH
Did the hare whose mummy was recently discovered in southern Tyrol live at the same time as Ötzi? ETH to investigate.

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