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Published: 23.09.2004, 06:00
Modified: 22.09.2004, 21:45
Olaf Kübler: New horizens instead of re-election
From ETH to "Society in Science"

Olaf Kübler will not be standing for re-election as president of ETH in November 2005. "ETH Life" asked the 61-year-old Kübler, physicist by persuasion, about his reasons for this decision and his future plans.

Interview: Norbert Staub

Mr. Kübler, in November 2005, after eight years in office, you intend to terminate your activities as ETH president. You don't appear at all ground down or tired of office–why this decision?

Olaf Kübler: No, I'm not ground down or tired of office–and I don't want to become so. I've always fared well in my life with the maxim of taking on a task for a limited length of time and I want to continue to follow it. The German Chancellor Gustav Heinemann is a prime example of this rule of conduct. Sometime last autumn I began to feel the urge to be able to work intensively, and over a longer period of time, on a single theme. This is hardly possible as president of ETH Zurich.

Which events or results would you say have marked your presidency?

Kübler: It's still too early to draw up the accounts. That is something that calls for a careful assessment, and that means, above all, time. And I will still be in office for over a year. Still, there is one thing that spontaneously springs to mind, something that was an emotional high point for me: when Kurt Wüthrich was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2002. It really impressed me how ETH, the entire institution, shared in the pleasure and pride of his achievement.

Sometime in 2006/7 the first milestones of Science City will be completed with the construction of the E-Science Lab and the Sports Centre. And in 2008 we can expect to see movement in the country's university landscape in the wake of the national university reform. Doesn't the idea of staying on at ETH Zurich to help shape these key processes attract you?

Kübler: I'm assuming that I'll get an invitation to attend the inauguration of the E-Science Lab! But, seriously, whether as president or ex-president: my satisfaction will be the same. Amongst the Swiss rectors the preliminary phase of the university reform has already released a wave of motive force and willingness to take part in the shaping of the process. Naturally, it would be attractive to continue to contribute impulses on content during this absorbing phase.


After 2005 ETH President Olaf Kübler will concentrate his professional attention on the foundation "Society in Science". large

At the same time, we mustn't forget that this is a highly politicised process, one that calls for great patience. I have to admit that, in view of the situation, I might not be able to muster the necessary patience. Because Europe is well on its way to becoming a single area of research and it's vital that ETH maintain its top position. My message, which remains unchanged, is this: It would be a grave mistake to ignore the international component in the formulation of a national university policy.

Could you tell us what qualities someone would need to take on the presidency of ETH Zurich?

Kübler: Basically it calls for deep respect and a genuine inner affinity with students and teaching staff. Science and research, as well as the disposition of an enquiring mind, absolutely have to be part of the make-up of someone holding this office. I think the ideal candidate for the job should also have the capacity to enjoy controversial discussions with very intelligent people. In addition, the capability to recognise big trends in research and to bring disparate strands together. The most important qualities needed for this are clarity, sureness of judgement and persistence. Finally, one can't succeed in this position without political sensitivity and a measure of good fortune.

It is difficult to imagine you as a retiree: what are your plans after 2005?

Kübler: They don't include leaning back, but I am looking forward to being able to dispose of my time autonomously. I'll certainly spend more time with my family and exercise more. One special project is in the air, which lies in the area of sociology and psychology. After December 2005, I will be concentrating to a great extent–as director–on "Society in Science“, which the benefactor Branco Weiss set up in 2002. The aim of this fellowship programme is to foster fledgling researchers working on subjects that cross over the boundaries between science and society.

Olaf Kübler's website:
Foundation website: "Society in Science: The Branco Weiss Fellowship":

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