ETH Zurich's weekly web journal - auf deutsch
ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Overview: News
New university alliance
The "International Alliance of Research Universities" was recently launched at a ceremony in Singapore. ETH Zurich and nine other globally-oriented universities make up this alliance.
Aroused brains
Sexual preference also influences cerebral activity, as a new study shows.
Roche and universities join forces
Research and industry are cooperating to find out more about diabetes. The partnership should lead to better medical applications.
Prince opens prize-winning bridge
The Sunniberg bridge designed by ETH engineer Christian Menn was officially opened last week.
Prizes for woodwork
ETH students have "surprising ideas" about wood and win two awards from 'holz21’.
Counting with DNA
Students from ETH successfully took part in a students' competition on the theme of synthetic biology. They developed a counter that will consist of pre-constructed DNA sequencies.
Shrinkage and growth
A ZIPBau workshop turns its attention to the current developments on living space. One conclusion is that towns are losing inhabitants for widely differing reasons.
Identifying weak spots
Current trends on flow simulations, for instance if a bomb explosion occurs, are demonstrated at this year's CFD-seminar.
More students
The number of new students rises again. Architecture is particularly popular.
BSE transmitted via urine?
Research proves the existence of prions in the urine of animals with diseased kidneys. This may be a new transmission route for prion diseases.

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