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ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Section: News
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Published: 28.04.2005, 06:00
Modified: 27.04.2005, 21:28
Inauguration of S-ENETH and opening of the exhibition "Earth fire water air".
Earth fire water air

(Li) Within the framework of "Worlds of Knowledge" (1), the exhibition "Earth, fire, water and air" opened its doors to the public last Friday in Platzspitz Park (cf. ETH Life, "Graspable research"). This project was initiated by the three ETH departments Agriculture and Food Science (D-AGRL), Earth Sciences (D-ERDW) and Environmental Sciences (D-UWIS), together with the Network for Natural Hazards (HazNETH). The three departments mentioned represent the new school domain Earth, Environment and Natural Resources (S-ENETH, cf. box), established on 1st April. Its grounding was officially celebrated on Friday, and the new school domain introduced to a wider audience. This new research and teaching unit is devoted to how the Earth functions, its natural systems, sustainability, the production and transformation of natural resources, and environmental management and restoration.

A "Birth Celebration" and the exhibition’s opening

The public celebration marking the advent of S-ENETH began at 17.00 and coincided with the opening of the exhibition "Earth fire water air". Both were held on the events stage in the courtyard of the Swiss National Museum. President of the ETH Board, Alexander Zehnder, and ETH President Olaf Kübler addressed the crowd. An opening aperitif for invited guests followed their speeches marking the "birth" of the new unit and the opening of the exhibition (2). Scientists from S-ENETH prepared 45 projects for this exhibition, to introduce the general public to their fields in an understandable and entertaining way. At 20.15 the Music and Dance Academy presented “Earth”, the first of four dramatisations, on the elements earth, fire, water and air in music, images, dance and texts .

The logo of the exhibition "Earth fire water air", symbolically representing the four elements.

The new school domain S-ENETH

The acronym S-ENETH stands for School Domain of Earth, ENvironment, and Natural Resources, ETH. The new domain unites the three ETH departments, D-AGRL, D-ERDW and D-UWIS. René Schwarzenbach, head of D-UWIS, heads the new school domain together with the heads of the other two departments, as well as Domenico Giardini and Michael Kreuzer. S-ENETH comprises around 1400 undergraduates, 520 graduate students, 514 technical, administrative and scientific employees and currently includes 50 Chairs. "An association of the environmentally-orientierted natural sciences of this size and quality is unique worldwide and offers unique chances," rejoices René Schwarzenbach.

From the point of view of teaching, S-ENETH has already existed for 18 months, with a common course of studies leading to a Bachelor’s degree. Various trans-departmental Master’s and Ph.D. programmes will be set up in the coming years. In addition to fundamental research carried out in the departments the new school domain will concentrate on the following five areas:

auflistungszeichen “Natural Hazards and Risk Management“
auflistungszeichen “Climate and Environmental Change”
auflistungszeichen “Sustainable Land Use”
auflistungszeichen “Food, Environment, Health and Society”
auflistungszeichen “Planet Formation and Evolution of Life”

Collaboration with other ETH departments is also to be strengthened, in particular with environmental scientists in D-BAUG and with D-GESS. Within the ETH domain, S-ENETH is responsible for the co-ordination of a competence centre for environment and sustainability that includes EAWAG, WSL, EPFL, PSI and EMPA.

(1) "Worlds of Knowledge" website:
(2) "Earth fire water air" website:

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