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Published: 05.05.2005, 06:00
Modified: 04.05.2005, 19:35
ETHistory: introductory preview during "Worlds of Knowledge“
Networked ETH history

(nst) An "exciting project, right up to the last minute", is how David Gugerli, Professor for the History of Technology at the ETH Institute of History, describes the virtual "ETHistory“ that was realised as part of ETH Jubilee year. Gugerli "Spiritus rector" and guardian of the project said so at its vernissage, last week, on the stage behind the National Museum in an introductory preview. After a development period of three years the website went online at the beginning of April. Gugerli's comment is an allusion to the proverbial devil in the technical details, which delayed the start of the event. But above all it alludes to the–for a scientific history publication–unusual and experimental concept: to make the utmost of web technology in all its possible forms and to offer texts, pictures, videos, database material and animation, in addition to getting it all written by a wide range of authors (there was talk of around 40 staff).

Some of those who made their mark on the project ETHistory: (from left) Patrick Kupper, Andrea Westermann, Daniela Zetti, Daniel Speich and head of project David Gugerli, Professor for the History of Technology. large

No identity building

If one steps back from books as a medium, in addition to the traditional means of reception, viz "reading" new metaphorical ways of use open up. At the introductory preview of the opus, for instance, the talk was of a "question machine", of a "documentation installation“, of alienation effects, surprise and interactivity. This cannot, however, be for its own sake. For David Gugerli the main aim of such historiography is to step away from the delusive tendency to build identity, for which writing history is frequently misused. With between 600 and 1000 visitors a day the exhibition has been attracting a lot of attention. In the long term, hopes the historian, "ETHistory“ will evolve into a much used tool of reference.


Reference user: History professor Jakob Tanner from the University of Zurich describing his surfing experience through ETHistory. large

Jakob Tanner, Professor of History at the University of Zurich, was drawn in as a trial reference user. Tanner gives the project high marks for scientific gravitas. He was convinced by the way that–wherever possible–150 years of ETH was shown here through the eyes of protagonists. This was particularly exciting where important actors testify how they experienced a given situation during the–for them important–phases of ETH history (such as the tardy introduction of computer science as a study course) and how their decisions came to be taken. What Tanner missed, however, was the "undergrowth“ of ETH's history: the views of the academic failure, the student who dropped out or the modest member of staff, all of whom could certainly have added telling comments to the margins of a history of the development of this successful institution.

Book killer?

In summing up, Jakob Tanner–even though enthused by the look and the feel of ETHistory–brought a media critical consideration into play. The "crushing impact factor" on the medium "book" led (history) scientist to contemplate the justification of the phrase "murder of the book by internet"; an analogy of Victor Hugo's hypothesis in 1832 that books had finally and conclusively replaced architecture as the medium and mirror of human knowledge. Whether the future belonged to the internet was not yet settled. The historian appealed rather for united action that takes media from different ages into account on the assumption that, in the end, "energy would flow from bastards", as Marshall McLuhan once wrote.

ETH History, on the net and as a book

This way to ETHistory:

Information about ETH History of Technology:

In addition to the website, a historical study of ETH will also be published in book form. More information at:

ETH Life has reported on the project "ETHistory“ on many occasions, e.g.:

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