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ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Section: Science Life
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Published: 11.08.2005, 06:00
Modified: 10.08.2005, 22:31
"Inventioneering Architecture" to open in San Francisco
ETH Zurich recruiting in the USA

(res) Big billboards in the entrance hall of the HIL building on Campus Hönggerberg currently hide the view of industrious activity. Architects at ETH Zurich are preparing themselves for a presentation of their work in San Francisco (1). Together with their colleagues from EPF Lausanne, the Università della Svizzera Italiana and the University of Geneva they will present themselves there in order to strengthen global transfer, for example, or promote, at the highest level, national and international discipline specific co-operation in teaching and research.

The management of the project for ETH Zurich lies in the hands of Professor Marc Angélil from the Department of Architecture. Bruno Dobler is project co-ordinator. Dobler mentions another goal that the exhibition in the USA is following: "Our aim is not only to position internationally the Master and PhD programmes of the participating project partners in order to strengthen Switzerland as a place of science and study by expanding the international student exchange. We also want to approach interested people in the USA and raise their awareness for Swiss architecture and civil engineering in an academic context.

Green/yellow waves, that buildings–one of them the hut on Monte-Rosa–seem to float on: Dirk Hebel and Jörg Stollmann from the Institute for Architecture, Nature and Technology (INSTANT) and senior assistants to Professors Angélil and Girot, respectively, are working on these "waves", in order to realise the project for the exhibition. The "waves", that means a 40-metre and 4-metre wide topographically waved platform that visitors can walk on. Markus Braach and his team from CAAD–more or less the interface between the architects and producers–developed the waves. Dirk Hebel explains the thinking behind the model: "We laid an imaginary topographical cut through Switzerland, from Zurich to Mendrisio, Lausanne and, finally, Geneva. On the one hand, the platform thus provides a foundation for the exhibits from the participating universities, such as models, videos and books, and on the other, it is an image of Switzerland's educational landscape.


Some of the architects involved installing and testing the project conceived for San Francisco at the beginning of the month in August in the HIL building. large

This means that visitors will be able to walk around the exhibits and be within "grasping" distance of them. In the lateral cross sections they will also be able to find information on the participating universities and surf their respective homepages. "Basically, we found it important to find a playful access to the project in order to make architecture and the universities attractive to the younger visitors too," explains Hebel.

A catalogue, created by graphics specialist, Tobias Klauser, is being compiled to accompany the exhibition "Inventioneering Architecture“, which targets Bachelor and Master students, professors, research assistants and project managers from academic and private sector circles. A series of lectures is planned within the framework programme, in which Marc Angélil, Andrea Deplazes, the ETH-Studio Basel, Valerio Olgiati, Dirk Hebel and Jörg Stollmann will participate with lectures and discussions on the subject of architectural education.

(1) The exhibition will open in October at the California College of the Arts (CCA) in San Francisco. Plans are in preparation to send it to Boston, China and India afterwards.

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